Monday, March 10, 2008

Democratic Nomination Thoughts

Dr. Howard Dean's performance as DNC Chair (specifically the MI & FL primary situation) is a great example of why it's a great thing that he IS NOT POTUS. Penalize the states their entire delegation, then when the process doesn't play out as expected, say those delegates "DESERVE" to be seated? And suggest that there be additional primaries at taxpayer expense? Please. Get some backbone, Dr. Those states were notified last year that their early primary came with a cost and they chose the publicity at the expense of the cost.

Clinton's 3am ad - I've got a response for that - Bill, Matt Drudge has it on his website that you did it again!

It looked like there was an awful lot of 5 on 7 basketball last weekend. UCLA received gifts from the officials in the waning seconds of both of their victories. UNC's Tyler Hansborough didn't shoot a FT the whole game - he played most of it and Duke's defenders made a fair amount of contact with him in the paint.

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