Friday, March 28, 2008

Sniper Fire in Bosnia

So Mrs. Clinton landed in Bosnia amidst sniper fire in 1996. Her tall tale grew over the past 3 months until earlier this week the military pilot and CBS News gave their versions of the trip - which were much more accurate (there's a surprise).

Some questions for the Senator and her campaign staff members that came up with this great idea:

1. Why would any responsbile secret security or military servicemember direct passengers to sit on flak jackets? It might save your butt, but it's not designed for that. It's designed to protect vital organs in the torso.

2. Did she or her campaign think to run it past one of the military generals or admirals that are in their camp? They should have advised against the tall tale - knowing that our professional military wouldn't conduct an opposed landing of Mrs. Clinton's party. And why haven't those professionals spoken up against Mrs. Clinton throwing the military under the bus? How can she claim she's ready to be Commander-in-Chief on Day 1?

3. What was next - was she going to tell how she was Jack Bauer before there was a Jack Bauer character - taking out snipers while debarking the plane?

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