Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some unposted thoughts

I wrote this in December but didn't post it. Thoughts on Ohio State and HRC.

Ohio State’s Opponents

I found this while scrolling through the HD sports listings online. Saturday 12/15/07 @ 12:00ET Presbyterian College Blue Hose vs Ohio State Buckeyes on the Big Ten Network. What, there wasn’t an on campus intramural opponent available? I didn’t realize that FB Coach Jim Tressel was tasked to setup the basketball schedule as well!

“I’ve got Editorial Support!”

That was Sen. Clinton on the Today show on 12/17/07, referencing the Des Moines Register editorial endorsement (I’m curious, what percentage of the voting public reads newspapers like that these days?), while hoping viewers weren’t paying attention to Sen. Lieberman (2000 Dem. VP nominee) endorsing Sen. McCain for the Presidency. Mrs. Clinton is so confident, she even appeared on the Fox News Channel! (I can’t hide my sarcasm) She is still sinking in the quicksand aftermath from her all-Kerry circular answer/non-answer to the driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants question at a Democratic Debate in Philadelphia a LONG TIME ago. And now she’s counting her Senate service like dog years – we need one heck of a Senate Pension lock box if 7 years in the Senate equals 35 years of service.
Then her husband is on the CNN Website (don’t worry, I reached it from Matt Drudge’s page) claiming that the first President Bush will tour the world with him to undue the damage that the current President Bush is doing to the country in the international community. Has WJC completely lost it? Not too long ago, he revised his Iraq position. Remember, he was for regime change and launched missile strikes against Iraq in 1998. In 2003, he supported President Bush’s actions against Iraq (quoted in Time Magazine). Does his understanding of the word IS not enable him to understand that the Fox News Channel IS the leading cable news network and they WILL and DO report on his inconsistencies. They weren’t on the air in 1992, and were just launching in 1996, so it is an organization that he didn’t have to be concerned about while he was a candidate. CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS won’t be able to ignore Mr. Clinton’s inconsistencies this time around.

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