Friday, March 19, 2010

Calling Jack Bauer

I haven't started watching this season's 24... so it's fitting that in the last scene I've seen he is in a hospital bed... he needs to get out of that bed and "speak" with some of the moronic Democrats who are planning on voting for the Health Care Bill that contains Gatorade (not the energy drink), the Louisana Purchase (no land this time), and the Cornhusker Kickback (no corn), and oh, by the way, 15,000 new IRS agents! If this is health care reform, why are us taxpayers funding IRS AGENTS, and not medical care providers??????????? THERE IS NO GOOD ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION!!!!!!!!

With the "undecided" Democrats folding like paper suits in a light rainstorm, we need Jack Bauer to save our nation from its Congress.

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