Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recall Jerry Brown

The citizens of Taxifornia should recall their AG. He is already on record as unwilling to use certain tools (e.g. death penalty). Now he is joining the fight to overturn the citizens decision on Gay Marriage. Hopefully there are enough smart non-liberals left in Taxifornia to do it.

(Link to LA Times article from Post Title)

1 comment:

br said...

If you want to get rid of him now is the time. This annulment of the gay marriages was to smoke out the libs from reversing it later on. Since the court is going to rule on P8 it means they are going to reverse it. They are just stalling for time to stockup funds against a recall in March. The US Supreme Court and the FL State Supreme Court issue rulings immediately after the 2000 election in FL and the CA State Supreme Court can rule right now. They should say P8 is part of the constitution and the gay marriages are annulled with no other comment. The Prop 8 folks should assume authority and demand Brown annul the marriages immediately or resign. Then tell the court to throw out the P8 lawsuits or face recall now. The people have spoken and have the funding, signers on file, and the power to fix this non enforcement problem.