Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout Bill

Barney Frank (D-MA) wanted to have a conversation with 12 GOP Representatives who didn't vote for the bailout... why not beat down the doors of 12 of the 90+ Democrats who didn't vote for the thing? The GOP might have been 2-1 against, but the Dems were only 3-2 for. I guess it didn't have enough earmarks in there for passage.... the only good thing that McCain accomplished at the debate. He needed to score some points early on the economy but didn't do that in my opinion. Some Red states are turning Blue on the Real Clear Politics page, and I fear they won't be turning back to Red. McCain may have peaked at his post-convention bounce.

I'm not sure I could support this bill. $700 Billion is 25% of our initial 2008 budget, and we've already added $425 Billion (Stimulus, Housing Rescue) to the original $3 Trillion budget. New oversight? Price-to-Income ratio was out of whack 4 years ago. The markets have been a roller coaster to watch recently; I'm glad I'm not a day trader.

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